Well this was a very spur of the moment climbing trip to the City' and it was awesome stuff. Good old dirtbagging fun! Good times! Sunrise... Looking out over camp...
Gina all geared up for the day. Parking Lot Rock. This was pretty sweet climbing. We did a couple of routes, one called Batwing was super sweet fun. I loved how you were able to top out almost all of the climbs here. I think that is the coolest thing ever. Amazing climbing! I cant get over how fun it was to climb this rock. The Incisor. Super fun- all but the horrible hive of gnats at the top. It was a bit overwhelming. I dont understand why they picked the top of this route to hover over. Nappy time! Yeah, so it was super hot out so everyday we would go hunt down some shade and sleep until it was cool enough to climb a few more routes. Super chill trip. Late night dinner snacks. Um, our last minute preparations left us with one bowl to share, hence the salsa lid dish... Adolescent Homosapien. Oh, I guess this is the name of the route Gina is climbing in the following photos...
Super Gina atop the route... I cant get enough of topping these things out. Our cool little campsite sheltered by some funky boulders... Elephant Rock. I am very regretful of not taking more photos on this trip. Leading on foreign ground with expensive camera and full trad rack is not an easy thing to do. Bath Rock. We did a route right up the middle, it was deceptively easy climbing despite the looks, three pieces of gear in two hundred and thirty feet. Not bad... I love how almost all the mounds of rock are climbable with the length of a rope. This place is so cool. Yeah I had to get some foot shots in here. I dont know why I like these so much. Our last climb for the trip was an evening pull up Elephant Rock. I cant remember the name of the route but it was wide and I was needing a few more threes and fours, I must say the fifty foot run out was a little intense...
Fun summer climbing up American Fork Canyon. Good times. Division wall.
I think its funny how one of my favorite photo of the day is of some random stranger. Nice photo stranger dude! Thin crimps. Pull! Alyssa hamming it up for the cam. Alyssa you are awesome! Strong Pull! Lacey Cranking out a cool 11a. She onsighted it a couple of days Prior. You are a strong girl Lacey! Nice! Lacey the camera sees everything. I am beginning to think you have been holding out on us. Is this a mono I see? I think you are stronger than you let on... The Crew... Life is good!