Well, this is a very random and brief overview of our trip to New York. This was quite the whirlwind trip, we saw a lot of stuff, this is just a glimpse of what we did....
New York City Library, where Ghost Busters was filmed. Get her! Empire from the Brooklyn Bridge Yankees Game! This is a really cool old library in Cornell University. This campus was so cool. It was like a castle sprawling over the hills. A replica of the Gold Plates. Hill Cumorah. Joseph Smith Farm.
Trail leading to the Sacred Grove. I loved looking up through the canopy... The press where the Book of Mormon was printed. Niagara falls. Central Park, I believe this is the Great lawn. Times square. China town. Random building. Statue of Liberty. Subway. I love my car. Flat Iron building. Empire State Building. I thought this was pretty cool. State law requires that Fast food places like Wendys have to list calories of each product. More central park. I love the ethnic diversity. Venice? Strawberry Fields... Bouldering in Central Park. This girl blew me away. I could not even hold onto those holds. It was seriously like V10. I loved this museum. Roof top garden at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Me sitting on top of Rat rock in Central park. The setting of these boulders was so cool. You would top out and there would be a bunch of tourists eating lunch on top and behind it all were these huge skyscrapers. Really awesome. This is seriously one of the most aesthetic boulders I have ever climbed on. So much fun! The rock is really cool.
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